How Do You Know?

There are many things in this world we may never know. but, in the kingdom of God, you can know for sure that you are saved. There are other things and experiences in the Christian life of which you can know and be assured of. This sermon covers it all. The title is: How Do You Know?

What Happens When Someone Goes To Hell?

Hell is not a very pleasant subject. It’s not something we think about a lot and it isn’t something we like to talk about. But, the church and our world needs to hear about the reality of hell and the urgency of getting right with God so as to be able to avoid that awful place. This session takes the story of the rich man and Lazarus from Luke chapter 16 as the text. There are plain truths in this story of the rich man in hell, which show without a doubt what happens to someone who goes there. Let this encourage all of us to pray for the lost and share the simple gospel that works. The sermon title is: What Happens When Someone Goes To Hell?

My Ways

People excuse their peculiar ways and strange actions many times, by simply saying something like, Oh, that’s just my ways you know. The session this time is sent forth to help all of us better our ways. the title is: My Ways.

Not My House

I have always liked Psalms 101. David takes a bold stand as to what he will and will not allow to go on in his house. Since all of us have houses or homes of some sort, it is a great encouragement for us to know that if God would help David accomplish his goals personally, and as a king, that he will surely help us as believers under the new covenant, who are endeavoring to reach this world for Jesus Christ, while we live a godly life. The title of this session is: Not My House.

How God Grows The Church

It seems as though everybody and his uncle is writing scores of books on how to do everything, from cleaning your coffee pot, to brushing a dog’s teeth. There are an endless number of books on how to live as a christian and especially, on how you should grow your church. I am excited for you to hear the audio in this session, because it takes us back to basics; right to the source of the real growth of the true church. We stop briefly in John chapter 4, then take a trip through the book of the Acts of the apostles, or the Holy Spirit through the lives of the apostles, if you’re one of these kooky exactist, religious nuts, who just cannot seem to take things as they are in God’s word and just believe them, act on them, and do them. Using the Bible account of the book of Acts, this message will tell you, as the title says, How God Grows The Church.

Ministers Of Jesus Christ

In Romans chapter 15, the apostle Paul said that he was privileged to be the minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles. And while it is true that God had chosen this special person for that specific purpose, we all are ministers of Jesus Christ. And, this is your good news for the session this time, entitled: Ministers Of Jesus Christ.